1. 『如果妳有幸在年輕時住過巴黎,它會一生跟著妳,有如一場可帶走的盛宴。』
2. 『學校生活是一場可帶走的盛宴』,指的絕非謀生知識的學習。by 張忠謀
3. 『活到老,學到老,必須具備<有目標>、<有紀律>、<有計畫>』
4. 『無論身處何種行業,都要跟上潮流』
5. 『對學習要下決心,決定要花多少時間來從事終生學習,學習是一件相當嚴肅的事情』
6. 『信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之是的確據』(希伯來書十一:1)
7. 『一個人只有在真正瞭解自己之後,才能體會自己所追尋的幸福長得什麼模樣』
8. 『看一個人就是看一個人,看其他的東西都沒用』
9. 『所有的答案都在問題形成前,就已經清楚刻在每個人的腦海裡』
10. 『路雖然很漫長,很孤單,但是只要你走出一步,你離目的地就近一步,千萬不能停在原地嘆息,否則永遠都無法到達目的地』
Nothing is not a that, nothing is not a this.
From that one does not see this, but one will know this from this.
Therefore, it is said that~ that comes from this;
this is determined by that.
This is the doctrine that that and this immediately give rise to each other.(Cheng, 1987:37)
紀伯倫<先知-相愛 on love>
These feelings I want to tell you
are spilling out right now,
But I'm hesitating, not knowing
how to put it into words,
So many seasons passed by since we met,
I miss that time we stayed up all
night talking, as I walk towards my dreams,
I learn what vanity is,
Let's start each of our departure here,
I' m not like I was before,
I w'ont give up anymore, I' ll keep on walking, no matter what the future is.
So that I can become stronger.