




<轉錄自Facebook上I Am as We are星宇門一條圓滿自性之道文章>


編織過程鐵定急不得,它讓編織者心無旁鶩進入當下這一刻,不再去思考自己在做什麼,不論是手工編織或是織布機開始實際操作,好似一個轉變正在發生,織者必 須熟練針棒的步驟或是為織布機反覆投梭打緯的機制作好準備,經由織者悉心關注和順從,然後你會發覺,在某一瞬間似乎換了織布機開始接手工作,而不是織者本 身辛苦在做。


「編織的手藝就像穿越文化與時空的祝福般,引領我們在一針針中,與內在心靈相連,與其他姐妹們相聚,也與亙古的女性智慧相繫。也在一針一線中,凝聚手與心 力量,開展自我轉化的旅程,並且將愛與溫暖分享出去,推動一場溫柔的世界革命。」~~許家綾(藝術治療師/心理諮商師)

Weaving is a work of mindfulness, of taking time to give attention to the details that will contribute to the woven piece's unity. Careful, patient attention is summoned in order to place each single thread through the many heddles (analogous to the eye of a needle), in a specific sequence. There can be hundreds of threads that go into creating the design.
There is no rushing in weaving. Weaving settles the weaver into the moment, and slows the weaver down. In "dressing" or preparing the loom for the actual act of weaving, it seems as if a transformation is taking place. The weaver must be obedient to the steps of preparation and the intricacies of the mechanisms of the loom. Through the weaver's careful attention and obedience, the loom begins to work the weaver, rather than the weaver working the loom.
As the loom is "dressed," a harmony is established between what the weaver expects to create and what the loom, itself, is capable of. As I come to appreciate the beauty of the instrument, the more I am able to appreciate the dynamic energy that is born from the relationship between the loom and the weaver.

~~Allegra Magrisso
Artwork by Elena Shlegel


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